the appropriately named aerodynamicist, simon smart, founded drag2zero in 2007, utilising wind tunnels and computational fluid dynamics to assist individual cyclists and leading players within the industry to optimise their use of aerodynamics. though drag2zero's pushing of the boundaries to the edge of the uci's acceptability has occasionally brought them to the brink of controversy, that particular iniquity has scarcely impinged upon their continued product development with the likes of endura, enve and scott.
simon smart contends that there is still continued mileage to be gained (pardon the pun) within the realm of cycling apparel, a contention that doubtless warms the cockles of the sport's suppliers of garmentage. it's quite possible that the aerodynamic headroom available to the bicycle and component designers has narrowed to a point beyond even mr brailsford's marginal gains. that there is reputed room for applied improvement to jerseys and shorts, must be of great consolation.
however, if aerodynamics are the key to velocipedinal sporting success, there are surely obvious anomalies to be addressed? for instance, it is hard to avoid noting the number of world tour professionals to whom the adjective hirsute might be readily applied. surely remaining unshaven, contrary to il campionissimo's stern directive, undermines those dimpled sleeves and svelte lycra in their expensive efforts to slice through the air in the quest for victory? why don't the pros shave their forearms as well as their legs. and why would you grow a ponytail?
the latter factor is one i have espoused from the (extremely) amateur ranks for nigh on two decades, providing the undoubtedly spurious excuse for my tardiness in the peloton. but, in the same way that one might attempt to emulate charlie watts by refraining from playing the hi-hat simultaneously with the snare backbeat, growing a ponytail 'neath one's casquette or cycle helmet might reasonably be seen as an homage to the great robert millar (as was). throughout the latter part of his career, the 1984 tour de france king of the mountains was renowned for not only his unique style and scots temperament, but also for riding with his shoulder length hair tied back in a less than aerodynamic style.
therefore, in order to review the prendas/santini long-sleeve 'vetements z' jersey, it seems only right and proper that i do likewise. there's every likelihood that this formed at least a part of the reason andy sent me the jersey in the first place. it is also a prime example of a business that has a sense of propriety and an inherent ability to do 'the right thing'. in september of this year, prendas e-mailed the cognoscenti with a poll, enquiring of the great and good, which long-sleeve retro jersey they should put into production for 2019. the options were ferreti, mapei, st raphael or roger zannier's 'vetement z.
as far as i'm aware, the winner was actually st raphael, but such was the prospective goodwill to be found from a long-sleeve z jersey, that prendas had santini manufacture that alongside the true winner. oddly enough, despite not being the poll winner, legend has it that the z jersey is currently outselling the st raphael version.
there is, of course, good reason for this situation; not only is this the jersey worn by millar, but also by his ever popular team leader, greg lemond. in fact, while riding the 1989 tour of britain, millar took off into the distance early in the race, eventually taking the overall win, allegedly on being told the news that roger legeay had just signed lemond to the team. thus the jersey's palmares has distinct scottish overtones, put to good use in this particular review.
santini have produced specialist cycle clothing for over fifty years and are quite possibly underestimated in the modern, whizz-bang world of seasonal updates. thus, the vetements z long-sleeve jersey offers an impeccable fit, with well-judged length to the long sleeves and torso. naturally enough, not only are there the ubiquitous three rear pockets, but a zipped fourth for keys and/or coffee money. recent jerseys from santini have featured a clever zip-lock, meaning that, in the down position, the zip remains precisely where the rider expects it to remain. as befits a winter jersey, the collar is tangible in its height, and the inner surface features a minimalist, yet cosy fleece.
i'd be fibbing if i said the jersey was robust enough to be worn al-fresco in a hebridean december; contrary to phil collins' advice, a jacket was required. however, santini have built the jersey to breathe, even when climbing towards carnduncan demanded greater effort than i'd expected. at that particular point, aerodynamics were very far from my puffing and panting thoughts; you'd have to ask simon smart about that. it goes without saying, that a ponytail is hardly a specific necessity to accompany the wearing of this iconic jersey, one stylishly commemorated in an early edition of rouleur magazine, by the inimitable richard mitchelson. however, if purchasing, you may find an overwhelming desire to grow one.
the prendas/santini long-sleeve vetements z jersey is available in an enormous range of sizes, ranging from xs all the way to 8xl (medium reviewed). at a retail price of £82.99.
prendas/santini vetements z long-sleeve jersey
saturday 21 december 2019